Rare schnaps & noble brandies

produced in our distillery, by request in the exclusive pocket flask made of porcelain

  • Most from Schwaningen
  • Quince Brandy ("Quittenbrand")
  • Kirsch of the Black Forest
  • Williams Pear Brandy ("Williams Christ Birnenbrand")
  • Raspberry Spirit of the Black Forest ("Himbeergeist")
  • Mirabelle of the Black Forest
  • Swiss Chrüter Schnaps
  • Fruit Brandy - Apple ("Obstbrand")
  • Wheat Grain Brandy ("Weizenkorn Brand")
  • Yeast Brandy from Pinot Gris ("Hefebrand")
  • Plum Brandy from Schwaningen ("Zwetschgenbrand")
  • Juniper Brandy ("Wacholderbrand")
Rare schnaps & noble brandies, distilled in our distillery
deutsch english italiano français dansk Nederlands Magyar español 日本語 中国的
© 1998-2025 Hotel Restaurant Gasthaus Schwanen
Stühlingen-Schwaningen in the Southern Black Forest Nature Park
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The Hotel Schwanen in Stühlingen is supporting member of the organization Slow Food Germany.
The German guide ”Schlemmeratlas“ awarded the Schwanen 2 cooking spoons for an outstanding price-quality ratio and an excellent wine list.
The ”Varta Guide“ awards the Country Inn Schwanen with a diamond tip as well equipped restaurant and a further Varta tip was awarded for a remarkable restaurant performance.
13 von 20 = Sehr gute Küche, die mehr als das Alltägliche bietet.
The Hotel Schwanen in Stühlingen received the Bib Gourmand award of Michelin.
Slow Food Schlemmeratlas VARTA Restaurant Guide GAULT MILLAU Bib Gourmand

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Gasthaus Schwanen, Stühlingen-Schwaningen

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